The Root Center
The Center of Physical Pressure
Biological Associations: Adrenaline system
This is where we find the pressure that keeps us alive in the world! This is the physical pressure that pushes us to get things done in life. This center also holds an energy reserve that can be accessed in times of need or in an emergency.
What to understand about this physical root pressure is that there is no here. So you will end up suffering if you act upon it without honoring your Strategy and Authority first.
Technical Details
- A motor.
- Creates the physical pressure to survive.
- The pressure lack awareness.
- Connected to 3 Centers.
- Can never be the Authority.
- One side of the Format Energies - the Channels between the Root and Sacral.
- Holds an energy reserve in times of need.
- 68%Has a fixed and internal way of working with pressure.
- 32%No consistent way of working with pressure and takes in pressure from others.
Trying to get rid of the pressure all the time.
Not-Self Question
Am I constantly trying to get rid of the pressure?
Potential Wisdom
Who deals with pressure in a healthy way. How to deal with pressure in a healthy way.
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