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Human Design Head Center

The Head Center

The Center of Mental Pressure

Biological Associations: Pineal Gland

In the Head Center, we find the pressure that fuels our conceptualizing process with questions to answer. 

Questions about the past, questions about the future, and questions about the unknown that can be knowable, all of those questions come from the Head Center.

When this pressure is used in a healthy way it can be a great inspiration to others.

Although this is a pressure Center, it’s not here to push the body to do anything, in fact, it is unhealthy and never correct to act on the pressure from the head.

It is only intended to fuel our conceptualizeing process, our thinking process with inspiration. It is not meant to be used to figure out what to do with one's life or what decision to take! That is not what these questions are here to be concerned with! They are here to be shared when asked for and recognized and then they can be fueling the awareness that is here to be an outer authority for the other!

Technical Details

  • One of 2 pressure centers 
  • Not a motor
  • The center with the fewest Gates
  • The only Center that is only connected to 1 Center (the Ajna)
  • If this Center is Defined, so is the Ajna Center too
  • Two of the Gates are a part of the Sharing Circuit, divided into the logical and abstract circuits. And the 61st Gate is part of the individual knowing circuit and stream.
  • Only 28% has a defined Head Center.


- 28%
Has a unique way of getting inspiration.


- 72%
No unique way of getting inspiration.


Thinking about things that do not matter.

Not-Self Question

Am I thinking of things that do not matter? Am I trying to answer other peoples questions?

Potential Wisdom

Who is inspiring?
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Gates in Center

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