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Winter solstice

We wish you a magical winter solstice! 🌟☀️🌟

3:59 pm UTC, with the Sun transiting the 10th Gate – Trading – The Gate of the Behavior of the Self, we have the Winter solstice.

In the Northern Hemisphere, this day is the shortest of them all with the longest night. How do you celebrate it? We will spend our time with our family and light a fire! 🔥

And one note since we are heading closer to the new Calendar Year, it is on the 22nd January 2022 @ 01:49 we have the New Rave Year! The mechanical start of our Solar Cycle!

Be aware of the New Year resolution not-self propaganda. Instead, honor your design and observe the journey throughout the 58th, 38th, 54th, 61st, & 60th Gates.

Let you be and have:
Self-empowered with love and the joy of being alive!
Stimulation that brings correction and joy to you.
You find what is worth fighting for.
Support for your ambition.
You find your inner truth.
Acceptance of the limitations of life.

Remember, death is just a new start. With love from The Key to Yourself.

Author: PaRoxUs
Categories: ,
Published: December 21, 2021
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